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Bist Du bereit

für Deinen Seelenweg?

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BEFREIE Dein wahres Ich.

ERINNERE Deinen Seelenweg.

LEBE Dein Licht !

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Are you ready for your SOUL'S PURPOSE?

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FREE your true self.

REMEMBER your soul's path.

LIVE your light!

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There YOU are, how wonderful!ThetaHealing Berlin, theta healing, ThetaHealing, Seelenweg finden, Bestimmung finden, Seelenaufgabe, Seelenruf, Seelenweg erkennen, Sinn finden, berlin heals, Berlin heilt, Berlin Massage, best massage Berlin, LifeCoach, Lebensberatung, Traumatherapie, Heilung, Glaubenssatzarbeit

I am Irina and I would like to serve you wholeheartedly on your soul's path:


I am here to help you remember who you really are.

I am here so that you can show yourself, with all your worries, doubts, fears, wounds, but also your needs, wishes and dreams.

I am here so that you remember what soul task you have brought with you inside your heart.

I am here to show you the way out of the feeling of being at the mercy of the outside world and to connect you with your creative power.

I am here to show you that it is always possible to heal your wounds.

I am here to support you as you begin to align your current life with the remembered soul plan.

I am here to celebrate your gifts with you: 

Meaningfulness, joy, love, trust, abundance!

how nice that you have been led to me!

Are you currently searching for something new inside and out, do you hear a voice within you that keeps calling you and striving for change in the most positive sense? Do you need support in your search for your soul's path? Are you ready to give your inner voice more space so that it can lead you to where you are truly at home within yourself?

Would you like to dissolve what keeps blocking you in your life? For example, do you always feel trapped in certain patterns (in repeated triggers), in negative thoughts that keep you down? Do you perhaps feel the heaviness of old wounds or even deep-seated or hidden traumas?

Then I will serve you so gladly! With all my heart! I hold a loving, safe space for you in which you can show yourself as you really feel. At eye level, without pressure, without masks. We meet in a space where you can feel accepted and seen and experience support that leads you into your own responsibility and creative power and thus into true transformation.

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You beautiful soul,



Irina Ivachkovets,

ThetaHealing® Practitioner, spiritual life counseling & massage therapist





Please book your session here:

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Do you feel the inner call to dive deeper?

" Remember your soul's path"

12 weeks of intensive work on your soul's purpose
You with me, 1:1, loving, joyful, transformative


In this heart program we walk together 
12 weeks, side by side,
to remember your true self
together with your soul purpose.
So that you can walk your soul path
with determination and joy.

Deeply transforming. Joyful. Liberating.


ThetaHealing® Intensive-Program (1:1, 8 weeks):

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Theta Healing Berlin, ThetaHealing, Seelenarbeit, Lebensberatung, Life Coach, Traumatherapie, Traumaheilung, Heilung, Seelenheilung


Get to know ThetaHealing®-work in an individual session and feel how your issues clear up!

Energetic soul work ThetaHealing®

ThetaHealing® is an effective and sustainable method for physical and emotional self-healing, inner growth and the awakening of your creative power with which you create every moment of your life, in self-love and with a clear focus on who you are in your essence and what you are here on earth for.

I am not telling you that you will be a new version of yourself in no time. No. You are embarking on a process, a magical journey of exploration. And yet this journey, despite the possibly heavy baggage, will allow you to experience a lightness and beauty that you would never have suspected before. The old, seemingly well-trodden paths, dead ends, immovable chicanes of your previous life path will be moved with astonishing ease and led into clarity, resolution and change.

Already during your first session you will feel and experience the profound effect of this wonderful work! With me and ThetaHealing® at your side, you are sure to embark on a path on which we will integrate the following together:

Together we will:
- understand the core of your issues/blockages/patterns that you bring with you on all levels and get to the root of the issue and solve it 
- recognize and release old beliefs that keep you down

- release energetic entanglements and dependencies

- free you from old, limiting sabotage programs, layer by layer

- transform negative thoughts into positive ones, sustainably

- transform pain/physical stress/traumas in a trauma-sensitive process 


Step by step you will learn to navigate through your own emotional world and keep yourself safe.

Over time, you will leave the victim energy, the inner state of being "at the mercy", and move only in your own power, self-responsibility and create what suits you and your needs. 

Important: You do NOT NEED me. Everything is within you. Even the knowledge to heal yourself. Only you can heal yourself. Only you. My work does not create dependency, but self-determination. And I am so happy to accompany you in remembering and activating your power and self-healing ability. If you feel the call to do so, you have come to the right place, dear soul.



ThetaHealing® Intensive-Program (1:1, 12 weeks):

Ceremonies [Presence & Online]


The ceremonies are the special "chocolates" of my guidance for you! I create for you, for you alone, a temple of deep transformation and self-healing. In this beautiful experiential space, we dive deep into your issues that call for redemption and together we create a deep and lasting transformation for you within a short period of time.

Ceremonies currently offered:

Energetic cleansing of the sacred womb-

to unleash your female creative power, 

1:1 online-ceremony [max. 3h, 280 €] 

Establish a connection to your womb space & ThetaHealing session including the energetic cleansing ritual

Ancestral ritual 

1:1 online-ceremony [max. 2h, 185 €]:

Connecting with your ancestral lineage & ancestral ritual incl. cleansings, healing instructions and messages

This is my heartfelt offer for you:


I am so much looking forword to serving your healing!

For men & women
For men & women

It is easier to think than to feel;
easier to make mistakes than to do the right thing.
It is easier to criticize than to understand;
easier to be afraid than to have courage.
It is easier to sleep than to live;
easier to bargain than to simply give.
It is easier to remain what you have become,
than to become what you really are ...

Hans Kruppa

Life Coach, Traumatherapie, Traumaheilung, Heilung, Seelenheilung, Massagen, Massage Berlin, Massage Schöneberg, Beste Massage, Massage Profi, seriöse Massage, Entspannung, Spa, Relax, Rückenmassage, Deep Tissue, Tiefenentspannung, Schwangerenmassage, Lomi Lomi, Klassische Massage, beste Massage Berlins, Wellnessmassage

Are you searching for your true self

and your SOUL'S PURPOSE?

I celebrate you for that, dear soul!

Let yourself be accompanied lovingly and effectively on your SOUL'S PATH.

You deserve the best!

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I had a great theta healing session with Irina, in which she gently guided me through my current unresolved issues and recognized exactly what the sticking points were.

Afterwards, I felt very liberated and much closer to myself. And I also felt it physically during the session: my tension in my neck and shoulders was much less, as if a huge weight had been lifted from them.

I can only recommend Irina for Theta Healing with all my heart and will definitely contact her again. A thousand thanks again, dear Irina!

Valerie S.

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The path accompanied by Irina gave me a new life when my life was practically no longer possible for me.... when the pain threatened to overwhelm me and a severe hopelessness on my life path was visible and tangible......

This is where Irina picked me up in her work through theta healing, massage and loving ceremony. 

By working with Irina, the path of my soul's mission opened up to me with ease and joy. My confidence has been strengthened through the healing of beliefs that no longer serve me. And so I was able to take big steps into a new life. From my own strength. Strengthened by the side-by-side support of this wonderful woman..... the safe space that is available to me at all times....  


In deepest gratitude for the miraculous support on my healing path, priceless, valuable, wonderful...... from the bottom of my heart in love for life. 

Antje G.

I know that there are no coincidences in life. Call it coincidence or fate, because Irina and Theta Healing came into my life at exactly the right time. And that fills me with deep gratitude. There is no other person who touches me as deeply as she does. With her heart-warming manner, she has often accompanied me in my own process and lovingly taken me by the hand. Working with her is an incredible experience. The feelings I have during the session and afterwards simply cannot be described in words. You simply have to experience it for yourself. I am always impressed by how she is able to hold the space in my process and how she releases my deep processes through her connection.

I have already worked a lot with and on myself. Through Irina and Theta Healing, I am able to trust myself even more and delve even deeper into my issues, because I know that I have an incredibly competent guide at my side with her. I feel 1000 percent supported by her in the process.

Putting feelings into words is really a challenge and that's why I can only recommend everyone to book a session with her to get into the feeling I'm trying to describe. We all have so many unconscious issues within us that we can't get to ourselves. It is simply exciting to see how many issues we have inherited from our ancestors/ancestors that limit us.

Working with Irina is like a little journey into another world and it's great to feel the subsequent relief and transformation. Sometimes it takes a few days to integrate it, but afterwards it is as if further ballast has been removed from your own shoulders.

Thank you dear Irina for your being, for your fantastic work, for your clairvoyance and clairsentience and for your huge heart.
I am really looking forward to our next session. There is certainly still a lot to do ;-) Life is a process.

Your Tanya S.

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“I have had three ThetaHealing sessions (on different topics) with Irina so far, and each one has been very profound and incredibly transformative! 

Irina knows how to open and hold a space of healing in which I was able to recognize unconscious thought patterns and beliefs and transform them with Irina's help - so that something completely new could emerge. 

I myself was able to open up easily because I felt safe: Irina creates a space of trust through her great warmth of heart and her deep strength, which is very special and in which healing is possible. 

What I like about Irina is her integrity and her warm presence. I appreciate her very empathetic, mindful, conscious and always appreciative way in which she accepts and welcomes everything that comes up - and at the same time holds a powerful space with her great strength that feels safe. This made me feel accepted and at ease in all facets of an issue, including the unpleasant ones - this allowed them to come to light and I was able to change them sustainably and from the ground up. 


Irina has a great gift of perception and sensitivity - she detects all the important points and conveys them with a lot of love and appreciation. After each session, I felt very calm, clarified, deeply touched and fundamentally accepted and seen, which was a very healing experience in itself - apart from the fact that in the weeks following the sessions, very old feelings and constellations changed fundamentally and opened up completely new spaces of experience for me. 

An absolute heartfelt recommendation!!!”

Stella L.

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