beLight Berlin, Intuitive Massage, Beste Massage, Beste Massage in Berlin, Schwangerenmassage, ganzheitliche Massage, Tiefengewebsmassage, Trigger Punkt, Trigger point massage, Rückenmassage, Nackenmassage, Rückenschmerzen, gesunder Rücken, Massage für Mütter, Mama Massage, Lomi Lomi, Lomi Nui, Hawaii Massage, Körperreise, Massagearbeit Berlin

Massage work is love made tangible.

In my massage session I meet you holistically
And on all levels that serve you:
mentally, physically & energetically.
Aloha! My name is Irina and
I absolutely LOVE to bring people into their radiance with my deep, mindful and emphatetic touch.

Relaxed piano music for your ears, self-made:

Beautiful soul!
With me you will not experience an ordinary massage.
Here you get a space of transformation,
100% focussed on you..
Go for it - it will be the best thing you've treated yourself to in a long time.
In my meeting room, YOU are at the absolute centre of all mindfulness.
Here you will be welcomed with love, empathy, expertise, joy and gratitude.
Procedure of your visit
or what is included in every massage package:
I give you the time to "land here", to arrive completely in the here and now.
We will have a nice cup of tea together and have a preliminary talk.
Here I hold a safe space for you, which gives you the opportunity to take an honest look at yourself,
how you feel at the moment and what you need best for yourself.

I invite you to recognise that all physical "disorders" are only attempts by the soul to alert you to possible mental imbalances. The soul tries to address your consciousness through your body or to express itself through your body. Let's listen to your body and soul together - on the mental-energetic level and on the physical level - in the intuitive full-body massage journey.
I base the massage entirely on what has been revealed in the preliminary consultation and intuitively address everything that needs to be resolved and transformed. With me, you don't have to limit yourself to a specific massage technique, but can be sure that different needs will be addressed individually within a session. For example, where you are very tense (often: back & neck), the tension will be worked on intensively and not left untouched. And where you simply want deep relaxation and gentle touch on your body, that is exactly what you will experience.
I use the following massage techniques intuitively and freely:
- Classic aromatic oil massage
- Deep tissue massage
- Trigger point massage
- Lomi Lomi massage (from Hawaii)
- Energetic abdominal massage
- Pregnancy massage
After the massage you slowly come back to yourself and have some time to feel and possibly share your impressions before you go your way again with a smile on your face :)
I am so much looking forward to meeting you!

I am happy to offer you the following holistic treatments:

120 min - Treatment package:
Effect: Targeted release of tension/blockages and
creation of deep, holistic relaxation
[with organic aromatic oil]
Content: Pre- & post-talk: approx. 30min
Massage-Journey: approx. 90min
Total duration of your visit: 120min
Massage techniques: Mixture of Classic (Swedish) massage, Deep Tissue, Trigger Point, elements of Lomi Lomi and Shiatsu
In a relaxing preliminary discussion, we will clarify together what would serve you best in the here and now. If you are open to this, I will be happy to look at what lies behind the purely physical "disorders or discomforts" and what the messages of the soul could be for you that are expressed through the body.
The massage journey is tailored to the themes and needs that have crystallised in the preliminary discussion. The massage journey is therefore not a "package holiday", but always a very individual journey, intuitively "tailored" to you. I devote myself attentively and sensitively to your entire being (genital area excluded (!)).
The techniques and the intensity/depth of the touch are all adapted intuitively and sensitively during the massage according to the needs discussed.
The majority of clients have deep tension in the back/neck area, which I work on intensively, deeply and sustainably.
After your individual journey, you will feel much freer and lighter from experience, where before you felt tightness and tension. And in general, this massage works in the depths of the body and soul and creates a tension-relieving, well-circulated and relaxed whole-body feeling, which can be compared to a pleasant state of "coming home" after a strenuous, long day :),
long day :).
Pre- & post-talk: approx. 30min
Massage-Journey: approx. 90min
Total duration of your visit: 120min
for the 120min treatment package: 180 €

120 min - Treatment package:
the "QUEEN AMONG THE MASSAGES": traditional full-body massage from Hawaii
Effect: Uniquely beautiful, holistic deep relaxation of the body, mind and soul!
Tensions/blockages are specifically released and deep, holistic
deep, holistic relaxation
[with organic coconut oil]
Content: Pre- & post-talk: approx. 30min
Massage-Journey: approx. 90min
Total duration of your visit: 120min
Hidden in the wisdom of Hawaiian naturopathy, a magical massage technique is revealed that not only serves relaxation, but also provides relief for the body, mind and soul through detoxification and harmonisation. Well-being is increased and energetic blockages dissolved when the "queen of massages" lays her hands on you. The loving touch is perceived as particularly soothing and uplifting.
Is there a topic that is particularly preoccupying or stressing you at the moment? Or a particular emotion that keeps "visiting" you? Or perhaps you would like to understand something more clearly or find a solution?
The Lomi Lomi massage will be a good companion to support your intuition and guide you inwardly towards a solution.
I move through your whole body with my hands and forearms, harmoniously flowing like a wave. The magic of the Lomi Lomi massage is a wave of tenderness that envelops the body. These flowing movements encompass the entire body and awaken a deep feeling of safety, security and lightness. Many clients feel as if they are in their mother's arms or in the protection of their mother's womb.
Pre- & post-talk: approx. 30min
Massage-Journey: approx. 90min
Total duration of your visit: 120min
for the 120min treatment package: 200 €

Are you a mummy-to-be?
How beautiful!
I have created a special offer for you, right here:
Dear you,
During your visit, you pay compensation for the time that I reserve for you, the space that I lovingly prepare and the material that I use, as well as for my many years of experience and professionalism. My appreciation for you and your concerns, my dedication, therapeutic expertise and my authentic sensitivity cannot be put into monetary terms and at the same time are a matter of course for me in my encounter with you.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your appreciation and am happy to serve you with my joy and my skills!

That's how I would describe my bodywork:
I enter into a dialogue with your body and master a balanced mixture of:
deep, intensive grips exactly where you are tense and blocked
and sensitive touches that catapult you into deep relaxation.
My path, summarised:
I am a trained massage therapist with years of experience (classic aromatic oil massage, deep tissue massage, pregnancy massage, Hawaiian Lomi Lomi, hot stone) and ran the successful Berlin massage temple NICKERCHEN from 2014 to June 2022, with a big team and over 6,000 wonderful people as customers & clients.
Touched and deeply inspired by bodywork, I have expanded into deeper healing paths in recent years and opened up to my destiny as a spiritual healing counsellor (using the ThetaHealing® method). In my sessions I combine bodywork with the energetic therapy work of ThetaHealing. You, dear guest, benefit from this symbiosis, as you receive a holistic and deeply human treatment.
Thank you for your trust in placing yourself in my energy space and my hands.

This is how we find each other:
Would you like advice about your massage?
Please give me a call: 030/98305900
Please click here to book directly:
How to get to my home studio:
Fritz-Reuter-Str. 11, 10827 Berlin (S-Schöneberg, Ringbahn & S1/5min vom Bahnhof entfernt), bitte bei "Ivachkovets, beLight" im 1. OG klingeln, merci.

Trete ein in meinen liebevollen Energieraum:

Ich freue mich so sehr auf Dich !